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Exhibition stall of Our Start-up at EFS,Expo Center, University of Agriculture.FSD November 10, 2019

Presenting our Start-up at the Expo Center, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad. Where we interact with School children, University students and ...

Friday Fact! November 09, 2019

Friday facts!!
The NASA Clean Air Study was a project led by (NASA) in association with the Associated Landscape Contractors of America (ALC...

Natural Air Purifiers can use to tackle Smog November 09, 2019

In current smog situation, we should go for indoor natural air purifiers rather than just bashing govt. its at least can make our surrounding less ...

Vegetable Nursery & Bed Preparation at UAF November 09, 2019

We are working in collaboration with spurt international in the vegetable area of University of Agriculture Faisalabad. In which We are growing veg...